2022-06-06来源:中国山水画艺术网 |
Contemporary Famous Oil Paintings Classic Original Art 油画早在明清时期就已经传入了中国,但那时仅仅是外国使节在拜访中国皇帝时进奉的国礼,普通国人根本没有欣赏这种美仑美奂的艺术珍品的机会。 i paintings have being introduced into China since Qing Dynasty. While at that time, these were just the hational gifts for the Chinese Emperor from foreign envoys. Normal people didn’t have the chance to enjoy fantastic art master pieces at all. 直到清末民初,西学东渐之风兴起后,才有一批年轻的中国人,怀着对油画艺术的热爱和执着,开始西赴欧美,东下扶桑,克服了在异国他乡难以想像的困难,就象蜂儿采蜜一样,吮吸着西方文明的精华营养,探索着油画艺术的流派风格,尝试着“洋为中用”的方法途径……通过几代人的不懈追求,终于使油画 这一完美的艺术形式,逐渐融入了中华民族文化的血脉之中,为古老的中国艺术殿堂里移植了一颗亮丽耀眼的奇葩。